Biobased Flagship solutions
First-of-its kind multipurpose biorefinery
Demonstration of biobased, recyclable, compostable and high-performing flagship packaging solutions by means of traditional industrial technologies
First-of-its kind biorefinery
Implementation of a first-of-its kind multipurpose biorefinery to obtain biobased building blocks, which will be used to successfully produce biopolyesters and biomaterials with more than 95% of Renewable Raw Materials and improved properties (barrier and durability).
Demonstration of the sustainability, circularity and safety of the biobased materials developed for the flagship packaging products with respect to existing fossil or bio-based benchmarks.
Improved circularity and resource efficiency through the validation of multiple end-of-life scenarios for the developed flagship packaging products.
Multi-actor approach to create an interactive innovation model for the engagement of all the actors in the value chain in the exploitation of new business opportunities, thus demonstrating the replicability of TERRIFIC concept.

WP1 – Project management
Management and coordination of all the activities and the consortium to ensure an efficient implementation of the projects including administrative and financial aspects.
WP2: Design and upgrade of the multipurpose flagship biorefinery
This WP is dedicated to ensuring the engineering, procurement and commissioning activities related to the upgrade of 1 multipurpose biorefinery plant, through a screening of the feedstock, supply and logistics procuring and management, follow-up of the design of the biorefinery upgrade and revamping the current industrial plant, commissioning and start-up the operation
WP3: Demonstration of the production of biobased building blocks, biopolyesters and biomaterials
This WP is focused on the conversion of sustainable feedstock into biobased building blocks securing long-term access to raw materials (sugar and vegetal oil residues/by-products as renewable carbon source). Starting from the biobased building blocks, biopolysesters will be synthesized to be used for the formulation of the benchmarks and of the final biomaterials for the TERRIFIC packaging products
WP4: Integrated Validation of Biomaterials and Flagship Products from prototyping to packaging application
The biomaterials developed in WP3 will be used to validate three technological trajectories for the obtaining of 8 flagship packaging solutions with improved barrier and surface properties. Such packaging products will then be validated by end-users in relevant environment.
WP5: Demonstration of the end-of-life scenarios and circularity of the value chain
This WP will define the optimal collection and sorting solutions for the Flagship packaging products enabling the targeted end-of-life solutions, compatibly with the existing recycling streams. In order to demonstrate the circularity of the value chain, the Flagship packaging solutions will be tested in relevant environment the different envisaged End-of-Life solutions (reuse, remanufacturing, mechanical and chemical recycling, repulping, and organic recycling).
WP6: Assessment of sustainability of the products & circularity of the value chain
This WP aims at assessing the safety, sustainability and circularity aspects of the flagship packaging solutions, by identifying the most important environmental, economic, and social aspects associated with the new entire value chain. The results from LCA, LCC, and SLCA will be integrated in the design and development of the flagship packaging solutions and in the overall value chain implementation and deployment.
WP7: Cross-cutting activities including dissemination and communication
This work package is dedicated to facilitating the successful implementation of a robust industrial value chain for the production of innovative bio-based and sustainable barrier packaging solutions while ensuring effective education, engagement, and collaboration among stakeholders. Beyond the creation of awareness about the project and its results and targets to the largest audience, an active involvement in a multiactor engagement process of the value chain stakeholders is foreseen, as well as the involvement of SSH experts to support the results exploitation.
WP1 - Project management
Management and coordination of all the activities and the consortium to ensure an efficient implementation of the projects including administrative and financial aspects.
WP2: Design and upgrade of the multipurpose flagship biorefinery
This WP is dedicated to ensuring the engineering, procurement and commissioning activities related to the upgrade of 1 multipurpose biorefinery plant, through a screening of the feedstock, supply and logistics procuring and management, follow-up of the design of the biorefinery upgrade and revamping the current industrial plant, commissioning and start-up the operation
WP3: Demonstration of the production of biobased building blocks, biopolyesters and biomaterials
This WP is focused on the conversion of sustainable feedstock into biobased building blocks securing long-term access to raw materials (sugar and vegetal oil residues/by-products as renewable carbon source). Starting from the biobased building blocks, biopolysesters will be synthesized to be used for the formulation of the benchmarks and of the final biomaterials for the TERRIFIC packaging products
WP4: Integrated Validation of Biomaterials and Flagship Products from prototyping to packaging application
The biomaterials developed in WP3 will be used to validate three technological trajectories for the obtaining of 8 flagship packaging solutions with improved barrier and surface properties. Such packaging products will then be validated by end-users in relevant environment.
WP5: Demonstration of the end-of-life scenarios and circularity of the value chain
This WP will define the optimal collection and sorting solutions for the Flagship packaging products enabling the targeted end-of-life solutions, compatibly with the existing recycling streams. In order to demonstrate the circularity of the value chain, the Flagship packaging solutions will be tested in relevant environment the different envisaged End-of-Life solutions (reuse, remanufacturing, mechanical and chemical recycling, repulping, and organic recycling).
WP6: Assessment of sustainability of the products & circularity of the value chain
This WP aims at assessing the safety, sustainability and circularity aspects of the flagship packaging solutions, by identifying the most important environmental, economic, and social aspects associated with the new entire value chain. The results from LCA, LCC, and SLCA will be integrated in the design and development of the flagship packaging solutions and in the overall value chain implementation and deployment.
WP7: Cross-cutting activities including dissemination and communication
This work package is dedicated to facilitating the successful implementation of a robust industrial value chain for the production of innovative bio-based and sustainable barrier packaging solutions while ensuring effective education, engagement, and collaboration among stakeholders. Beyond the creation of awareness about the project and its results and targets to the largest audience, an active involvement in a multiactor engagement process of the value chain stakeholders is foreseen, as well as the involvement of SSH experts to support the results exploitation.